It’s crazy doc,
my money keeps growing!

*Jovia-itis is a side effect of not-for-profit banking with Jovia that causes you to have an inflammation of money and happiness.
See Jovia-itis in action!

Learn the impact of not-for-profit banking and how it can benefit your life.
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Not-for-profit banking
is truly brighter!

When the top priority is providing the best experience for members, real possibilities open up. At Jovia, we focus our complete attention on delivering superior value, exceptional services and modern innovation to our members—not maximizing profits.

About Jovia

Jovia is a not-for-profit financial credit union. We offer all the same services as a traditional bank, but there's a big difference. We are member-owned and that means we have lower rates on loans and higher earnings on deposits.

Full-Service Banking and then some!
Jovia offers a full range of products and services to meet all of your banking needs:
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Great rates help your money grow faster. Get checking that pays and earn more on savings!
Charge more and pay less. Add flexibility to your financial situation with a credit card from Jovia.
Still have a question?

Swing by our "Virtual Branch" to chat with Via, our Virtual Interactive Assistant anytime, or chat live with a Jovia representative during business hours.

1 Points to cash option allow members to use points to make a Jovia Visa Signature Elite Credit Card payment or a cash deposit to their Jovia accounts. $25 minimum per conversion.
Membership eligibility requirements apply.