Fees & Service Charges
Consumer Fee Schedule
Effective as of January 27, 2025. All fees are subject to change without notice.
Account Fees
Checking Accounts Go Green | None |
Inactive Account Fee4 | $5.00/month |
Paper Statements for EChecking Accounts | $5.00 |
Transaction Fees
Check Writing Fee | None |
100 Wallet Checks in Traditional Style | Varies according to style |
Temporary Counter Checks (aka Starter Checks) (8 FREE at account opening) | $2.00/sheet of 4 |
Copy of Personal Check (free via Online Banking) | $5.00/copy |
Stop Payment (per 6-month request) Personal & Teller Checks, Money Order, ACH, or Bill Payment Check | $30.00 |
Automatic Transfer From Any Deposit Account or Safety Line of Credit to Checking | $3.00 |
Item Returned Unpaid or Check Paid via Courtesy Payment7 | $30.00 |
VISA Debit Transactions via Courtesy Payment (per item)7 | $10.00 |
Telephone Payment made from an external account with a representative | $5.00 |
Automated or online payments from an external account | FREE |
Excess savings transaction fee will be charged if a savings account exceeds six pre-authorized, electronic, or automated telephone transfers/withdrawals per month.5 | $10.00/item |
ATM Fees
Jovia ATM Transactions | FREE |
Withdrawals at Non-JoviaATMs | 8 FREE/mth $1.00 ea over 8 |
Withdrawals at Allpoint™ ATMs (Using Jovia VISA® Debit card only)1 | FREE |
Inquiries at Non-Jovia ATMs (per inquiry) | $1.00 each |
Online Services
Online Banking | FREE |
Bill Payment | FREE |
Account Transfers (Internal Member accounts) | FREE |
Copy of Bill Payment Check | $5.00 |
Sending and receiving money through Zelle | FREE |
Requesting money through Zelle | $3.00 fee, deducted from the payment |
Zelle Payment Dispute6 | $35.00 |
External Transfer Incoming2 | FREE |
External Transfer Outbound2 | FREE |
Safe Deposit Boxes (Plainview Branch only)
3 x 5 x 18 | $35.00 |
5 x 5 x 18 | $50.00 |
3 x 10 x 18 | $60.00 |
5 x 10 x 18 | $95.00 |
10 x 10 x 18 | $185.00 |
Safe Deposit Key Replacement | $15.00 |
Safe Deposit Break-In Fee | $200.00 |
Subpoena Fee Schedule
Research Subpoena fee | $75.00 |
Search and process of Subpoena | $10.00/hr |
Tax documents | $0.25/item |
Transaction tickets | $0.25/item |
ONUS items | $0.25/item |
Transit items | $0.25/item |
Signature card | $0.25/item |
Wire copy | $0.25/item |
Statement copy | $1.00/statement |
Other Services
Abandoned Property Account Processing | $50.00 |
Account Research (per hour) | $20.00 |
Teller Check for Less Than $1,000 (payable to 3rd parties) | $3.00 |
Copy of Teller Check (per copy) | $5.00 |
Money Order (per item) | $3.00 |
Copy of Money Order (per item) | $5.00 |
Copy of Deposited Check or Slip — item deposited within prior six months AND check amount known (per item) | $5.00 |
Copy of Deposited Check or Slip — item deposited more than six months ago OR check amount unknown (per item) | $6.00 |
Copy of Statement (per statement) | $5.00 |
Money Market Account (over three checks written) | $10.00 each |
Deposited Item Returned (per item) | $15.00 |
Notary Public Service | FREE |
IRA Custodial Service | FREE |
IRA trustee to trustee transfer (outgoing only) | $25.00 |
Health Savings Account (HSA) Trustee to Trustee transfers outgoing only (Effective February 22, 2024) | $25.009 |
Canadian Checks | $15.00 |
Immigration Letter (per letter) | $10.00 |
Payoff Letter (Mortgage) | $30.00 |
Incoming Collection Item | $15.00 |
Foreign Collection Item | $35.00 |
Wire — Incoming — Domestic or International | $5.00 |
Wire Transfer (conducted in person) — Outgoing within U.S. (per wire) | $20.00 |
Faxed Wire (conducted via online form) — Outgoing within and outside U.S. (per wire) | $50.00 |
Wire Transfer (conducted in person) — Outgoing outside U.S. (per wire) | $40.00 |
Jovia Investment Services Consultation | FREE |
Bad Name/Address (undeliverable mail returned) | $3.00 |
ACH Item Returned Unpaid or ACH Stop Payment on a Deposit Account | $30.00 |
VISA® Late Fee | up to $25.00 |
Lost VISA® Debit and Credit Cards | $5.00 |
Coin-Counting Machine (per day) Amounts less than $500 Amounts over $500 | FREE 10% of amount over $500 |
Digital Only Member Accounts
Digital Member Personal Assistance Fee8 | $25.00 |
1Transactions made at Allpoint ATMs using a Jovia Visa® Debit card do not count against the non-Jovia ATM transaction limit. Please note that ATMs at Shared Branches (CU Service Centers), King Kullen Supermarkets, and other Long Island credit unions will count against the eight-transaction limit; however, you may make an unlimited number of requests for cashback at PIN-based point-of-sale (POS) terminals.
2Transaction will be processed next business day if requested through Digital Banking after 4:00 P.M. EST.
4Applies to membership with no activity in the preceding 12 months; excluding members who maintain a loan balance, IRA or Term Certificate of Deposit, or have greater than $1,000 in total balances
5Accounts subject to the excess savings transaction limit include Share Savings, Online Savings, Money Market, Super Saver, Elements Teen Share, Dollar Dog Kids Share, Special Purpose, Tuition Builder and IRA Savers Dividend.
6Zelle issued fee
7 An item or payment may be presented multiple times and we do not monitor or control the number of times a transaction is presented for payment. We may charge a fee each time a payment is presented if the amount of money available in your account is not sufficient to cover the payment, regardless of the number of times the payment is presented. We may charge a fee each time an item is submitted or resubmitted for payment; therefore, you may be assessed more than one fee as a result of a returned item and resubmission(s) of the returned item. Effective 5/01/2022- For all consumer accounts except for CareFree Checking, your account may be charged up to 6 NSF/UCF per calendar month. If more than 6 NSF/UCF occur during the calendar month, additional NSF (Non Sufficient Funds) /UCF (Uncollected Funds) will be waived
8A fee will be charged for any transaction that a digital-only member conducts on any account that can be performed via self-service digital methods. Self-service digital methods are Online Banking, Mobile Banking, Via chatbot, Interactions with the Virtual Branch (audio, video, chat with a live representative during business hours ), or using ATM or ITM without a representative. If the credit union requires your physical presence or prohibits a particular transaction from being completed digitally, then you won't be charged. You may be charged up to three (3) personal assistance fees during a rolling 12-month period before your account will be converted to a traditional share account. The personal assistance fee will be charged when the digital member uses personal assistance to conduct the transaction with the credit union or shared branch locations. Effective May 1, 2024, the fee charged will be $25.00.
9 A fee will be charged anytime an outgoing trustee to trustee transfer is requested from the Health Savings Account owner. A transfer occurs when a member instructs their custodian to move their assets from their current HSA (Health Savings Account) to an HSA at another institution.
Zelle and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.
Rates and terms are subject to change without notice.