Simply stated, a personal loan is a lump sum of money that a lender is willing to lend you based on an assessment of your personal finances and is repaid over a set amount of time, usually between 1-5 years.
The money you receive from the loan can be used for almost anything so whether you’re juggling monthly expenses, trying to consolidate debt, starting a home improvement or planning to make a large purchase, a personal loan will give you cash on hand when you need it.
There are a few steps between you and the money you want - Here’s everything you need to get started in applying for a personal loan!
Key Documents You’ll Need to Apply for a Loan
The lender will use the information in these documents, along with a completed application to determine your overall financial strength and approved loan amount. Think about how much money you need and what you’ll use it for, you will likely be asked this on the application.
Identity Verification:
Whether you apply for a loan in a branch or online your identity will need to be verified using date of birth, social security number and a valid state driver’s license, non-driver ID card, passport or other government issued photo ID.
Credit Report:
As with most financial transactions, good credit goes a long way. Your credit report will be used to assess your credit score, outstanding debt, length of credit history and credit depth. You can request and review your credit report and dispute discrepancies before you apply for a personal loan by visiting
Financial Statements:
Expect to provide employment verification in the form of pay stubs, 1099’s and/or W2 tax forms, in addition to your annual salary and monthly rent or mortgage payment.
Did you know?
You can check your FICO® credit score anytime in Jovia's Online and Mobile Banking platforms! It's a convenient way to stay on top of your credit and avoid surprises when it comes time to apply for a loan.
Learn MoreNext Steps
Submit the application for review & approval, which in most cases, takes a few days. The lender will contact you with the terms of the personal loan and sum of money, along with any other information needed. This additional information could include proof of income, proof of address, payoff letters for debt consolidation, etc.
Hooray! The loan is approved. Your money is on its way, now it’s time to exhale!
Ready to Apply for a Personal Loan?
Jovia has personal loans with flexible options to meet individual needs. Click here to apply for a Jovia Personal Loan online today.