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Jovia teams up with Special Olympics New York on First-Ever Sports Season at Home for Athletes
With COVID-19 sidelining the 2020 Long Island Special Olympics this Spring, Jovia Financial Credit Union is stepping up to sponsor an “At Home” competition and training regimen for Special Olympics athletes.
Jovia Has No Reservations About Supporting Local Eateries and Feeding Members
Jovia Financial Credit Union buys thousands of dollars’ worth of food delivery gift cards to support local businesses.
Jovia Provides Funds for Masks, Gloves and Other Supplies to the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau
Jovia Financial Credit Union has donated funds to bring supplies of PPE Gear to CP Nassau needed for work with adults with disabilities.
Jovia Partners with Island Harvest to Fill Need for School Lunches
To help address a growing need during the Pandemic, Jovia Financial Credit Union has partnered with Island Harvest to deliver hundreds of meal kits to students and their families in 30 school districts.
Jovia Financial Credit Union Hits 200K Membership Milestone
Nine Long Island schoolteachers were simply hoping their combined $45 would help them weather the Great Depression when they started their credit union in 1938. Eighty-two years and $3 billion dollars later, Jovia Financial Credit Union just attracted its 200,000thmember.