A personal loan can be a great financial tool to get the cash you need when you need it. Personal loans typically offer low rates, flexible terms, and fixed payment for peace of mind.
A personal loan from Jovia can give you flexibility with your finances and can be used for a variety of things like paying bills, buying furniture or home appliances, and it can even help cover a planned expense like a wedding or vacation.

How you choose to use a personal loan is up to you, but personal loans are most commonly used for:
- Consolidating debt – Combine multiple higher interest rate bills into 1 monthly payment making it easier to track, manage, and budget monthly spend. Oftentimes, personal loans have lower APRs than credit cards.
- Major purchases – Purchase big ticket items with ease. Get a new appliance, mattress, or computer that will help make life a little easier.
- Holiday spending – Give without putting it on your credit card. With a personal loan, you can shop with confidence for gifts, décor and more knowing there will be a few less credit card statements in your mailbox after the holiday season.
- Travel plans – Looking for a change of scenery? An off-road adventure, scenic day trip, exotic vacation or a visit with friends and family could be the perfect getaway.
- Refinance loans – Pay the balances on existing higher-rate loans to lower the monthly interest you pay, providing an opportunity to pay off the loan sooner.
- Home improvements – Install or repair your home’s pool, roof, garage, solar panels or start a project you’ve been putting off. You can use a personal loan to update your living space if you don’t have enough equity in your home or don’t want to tap the equity in your home.
- Tuition payments – Fund a semester, room and board, textbooks or electronics.
- Paying taxes – Reduce tax season stress. Conveniently pay tax bills and services.
- Unexpected expenses – Have cash on hand to help pay for an emergency car repair, a veterinary bill, or medical expenses.
- Moving costs – Relocating is stressful, even before you add up the costs, give yourself some flexibility with a personal loan. You can use personal loan funds for anything from truck rentals to movers, or even a new couch for your living room.
- Medical bills – Merge outstanding medical bills from insurance deductibles and co-pays or cover the cost of a non-covered procedure. With low interest rates you’ll have more time to pay the balance in full.
- Wedding Arrangements – Dream big, but have a plan. Take advantage of fixed, monthly installment payments and a scheduled pay off date, making it easier to budget and pay for your walk down the aisle.
Ready to Apply for a Personal Loan?
Complete the online application where you will be asked to provide the reason for the personal loan, amount requested, and some other basic information. Then, submit the personal loan application and await the results. You may also be asked to provide pay stubs, W2’s, or other proof of income.
Once approved, review the terms and contact us to discuss how you want to sign the documents (either electronically or in a branch). In most cases you’ll receive a lump sum payment the same day or within 1 business day from the date you sign the loan documents.
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Learn moreBorrowers must meet minimum credit and affordability requirements and be at least 18 years old.